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Learn All About Carding A To Z (Full Guide)

Learn All About Carding A To Z (Full Guide)
Hello friends, Today we are going to
describing A to Z about carding.
You can get everything about
carding in this article. We are going
to writing everything about
carding all about full security guide
for carding in this article.
Points Of The Guide
1. Introduction To Carding.
2. Accronyms You May
3. Security Basics/Methods To
Stay Safe In Carding.
4. Basics Of A Credit Card
(CC) And The Its Different
5. The Ordering Aspect –
Before And After Carding.
Introduction Of Carding
Carding is an art, in which every
person get failed a few times while
he will getting started. The key to
being successful is to not give up
and keep trying different sites,
methods etc. When you fail,
Don’t automatically start asking
people to “teach” you how to card,
or asking people for their methods.
Most carders have endured tireless
periods of ‘trial and error’ which is
how they eventually came upon
specific methods that work for
them, and they will not just give
away their hard earned work to
someone who hasn’t worked equally
hard to find their own methods.
Accronyms You May
1. WU = Western Union –
another form of payment
that is accepted.
2. WMZ = WebMoney – yet
another form of payment
that is somewhat accepted.
3. CVV = Most often used to
describe a credit card that
you buy, includes cardholder
I’ll go more into this later.
4. CVV2 = Credit Verification
Value – The number on the
back of the card used for
verification purposes. 3 digit
number for visa/mc and 4
digit for AMEX (American
Express) (There is also
CVV1 which is a verification
number that is written into
the mag stripe on the back
of the card that is read
when the card is swiped).
5. Drop = an address where
you can send carded
goods, (It is not your own
address or friends
6. CCN = Credit Card Number
– Includes the number of
the card and expiration
date, no name or address.
7. MMN = Mothers Maiden
Name – Comes in handy
when bypassing security
measures on VBV/MCSC.
8. DOB = Date of Birth – Used
to bypass some security
9. SSN = Social Security
Number – Same as both
above, used to bypass
security measures.
10. COB = Change of Billing –
Some stores will only ship
large/high priced items if
the shipping and billing info
match, these can be
obtained through some cvv
sellers, usually in the form
of a ‘Full’.
11. Fullz = Same info as CVV but
with more info eg. security
question answers, SSN, DOB,
MMN, etc. which can be used
for COB, etc.
12. AVS = Address Verification
Service – System that
checks the billing address
entered against the credit
card company’s records.
13. VBV = Verified by Visa –
Extra verification process
initially added by visa,
there are different types
of authentication used,
most notably would be a
password, date of birth,
social security number, or
mothers maiden name.
14. MCSC = MasterCard
SecureCode – MC
(MasterCard) adopted this
process after VBV came
out, basically the same
thing but with mastercards.
15. POS = Point of Sale –
Terminal at a physical shop
where the card is swiped/
16. Dump = The information
that is written onto the
magnetic stripe on the back
of the card, the only way to
get these is with a skimmer,
comes in different ‘tracks’
which I will not be explaining
– a dump would look like
17. Skimmer = A device that is
normally attached to an
atm where you insert your
card, which records your
card information (there
are other varients, that is
the most common).
18. Embosser = A device that
‘stamps’ the cards to
produce the raised
19. Tipper = A device that adds
the gold/silver accents to
the embossed characters.
20. MSR = Magnetic Stripe
Reader/Writer – Used in
the carding scene for
writing dumps (and drivers
license, student ID) info to
blank cards or giftcards (if
you want to use blank white
cards, you will need a
printer for the card
template, embosser/tipper
also, which can get costly to
21. BIN = Bank Identification
Number – The first 6 digits
of a card number (this will
be gone over in more detail
later on).
Security Basics/Methods To
Stay Safe In Carding
Security is the main thing every
carder have to keep in mind while
doing carding. If you forgot about
security in carding then surely you
might be catch by police shortly. So
you have to make ourselves secure
before getting started. Below are
the all methods to stay safe in
1. RDP = Remote Desktop
Protocol – These are
normally hacked or bruted
desktop computers that you
connect to from your
If you buy them, you will
get an IP Username/
Password, which you
connect to by going to
start>run>typing ‘mstsc’
without the ”, you will be
presented with the login
screen, and voila you are on
someone else’s computer.
2. Socks5 = Is a proxy protocol,
which you insert in your
browser (on firefox via
Tools> Options>Advanced>
Network> Connection
Settings> Manual Proxy
Configuration> SOCKS
Host> Tick Socks v5 and
insert the IP and Port
Number). When you have a
CVV, the next step is to get
a socks5 in either the same
city and state as the card
holder, or as close to it as
you can find. There are a
few different vendors and
suppliers that I will give at
the end of this guide.
3. VPN = Virtual Private
Network – This will change
your IP to wherever the
location is of the VPN
server. This is used with a
application rather than
through your browser as
with socks. Watch out as
some VPN providers will keep
4. CCleaner = A very handy
tool to clean your browsing
history (temp files, cookies)
and also your Flash cookies,
which many people neglect
or don’t even know about.
Flash cookies are stealthier
than regular cookies. Flash
can install cookies on your
computer without your
permission by default, and
store the same info that
regular cookies do (when
you visited etc).
Types of Cards
Each credit card company starts
their cards with a different
number :
3 = American Express (AMEX)
4 = Visa
5 = MasterCard (MC)
6 = Discover (Disco)
Each card company has their own
specific types of cards, here are
some of the basics :
1. Visa
Classic – A universal
payment tool, which was
adopted worldwide in any
locations designated by the
logo of Visa, including ATMs,
real and virtual stores, and
shops offering goods and
services by mail and
telephone. This card is
intended for those who
already have experience in
the use of bank cards. She
also enjoys popularity among
consumers of middle-income,
as guaranteed convenience,
choice and financial
Gold – One of the leading
products, has been adopted
worldwide and allows you to
an impressive financial
freedom (aka higher limit).
Platinum – These usually
have limits over $10,000
(but remember, just because
it has a high limit, doesn’t
mean it isn’t already maxed
Signature – No preset
spending limit – great bin to
Infinite – Most prestigious
card, virtually no limit.
Though there are less in
circulation so be cautious
when buying these, stick
with reputable sellers!.
Business – Used for small to
medium sized businesses,
usually has a decent limit.
Corporate – Medium to large
size businesses, larger limit
than Business.
Black – limited membership,
$500 annual fee, high end
card, no limit.
2. MasterCard
Standard – comparable to
visa classic.
Gold – comparable to visa
Platinum – comparable to
visa plat.
World – very high limit.
World Elite – virtually no
limit, high end card.
3. Amex
Gold – usually around 10k
Platinum- usually higher
limit, around 35k.
Centurion – High limit, 75k+
(also known as the black
card, not to be confused
with visa’s black card).
There are many more cards than
this, these are just some of the
basics. If I made a mistake on the
card descriptions feel free to
correct me as I gathered this
information from other tutorials,
online sources, so some may be
When you buy a cvv on a forum such
as blackservice, it will usually come
in a format such as this (probably
not the same order though)
| credit card number | cvv2 code |
exp date | name on the card |
address | city | state | country | zip
code | phone # (phone # sometimes
not included depending on where you
get your cvv’s from) |
Example Code:
4862362667787439 | 693 | 07/10 |
scott j. sawyer | 10566 parkington
lane |
highlands ranch | Colorado | United
States | 80126 | 7203140318 |
If we dissect this a little bit we can
find out more :-
The first string of numbers
is the credit card number.
From the first digit we see
that it is a Visa.
The first 6 numbers of that
string is the BIN number.
So from this example the
bin is 486236
Searching for this bin in a
BIN Database we find this
486236, Capital One Bank CREDIT
PLATINUM USA Richmond Virginia
Platinum – Credit, so this is a nice
card. Platinum is better than
Classic so we would have a better
chance of carding higher priced
items with this. And Credit is always
better since it’s a line of credit
instead of debit where the card
holder needs to have the money
physically in the bank in order to
use that card.
Things to Keep in Mind When
Getting Cards
AVS – Address Verification System
– a system used to verify the
identity of the person claiming to
own the credit card. The system will
check the billing address of the
credit card provided by the user
with the address on file at the
credit card company. This was an
attempt to help identity theft and
fraud over the internet. This is a
system we as carders dont have to
worry about since we have the
billing address of the credit card
holder. I mentioned it since it is
good to be aware of it and that
almost every site has this system. It
emplifies the importance of typing
in the address correctly.
If you get Non-AVS cvv’s,
then that means you can
put in whatever you want
for the billing address.
VBV (Verified by Visa) –
Extra verification process
initially added by visa,
there are different types
of authentication used,
most notably would be a
password, date of birth,
social security number, or
mothers maiden name.
In order to get by VBV you
need the password, if you
want to reset the password
then you will need the DOB
(date of birth), MMN
(mothers maiden name),
and SSN (social security
MCSC ( MasterCard
SecureCode) – Same thing
as VBV, with same info
needed to bypass.
Checking the CVV’s – Most
shops/sellers/vendors that
you get your cards from will
give you the option if you
want checked, or unchecked
cards. Checked, depending
on the method used, may kill
the card, as some checkers
will charge a small amount
( >$1 ) to the card, if it
goes through = card is good.
I won’t get into all the
codes that cards can
return, but when starting
out, it’s better to just get
checked cards, as most of
the checkers now won’t kill
the cards.
Balance Checkers – I have
seen some services around
for balance checkers, which
how they work is (this is an
older method, but to my
knowledge still works) by
checking out on a site with
however much you want to
test the card for, when it
comes time to enter the
card info, put in fake billing
information. If it says the
card is declined then the
card doesn’t have high
enough balance, but if it
says something about AVS
mismatch, then you know
the card is good, with a
high enough balance.
Using the Cards (finally, right?)
This is where a drop comes into play.
When carding directly, you always
want to use a drop, so if it is
investigated, they won’t be led
straight to your house. Also,
sometimes, when you order high
priced items from the same
company too many times they may
blacklist the address.
A drop is usually an abandoned
house/house for sale where you can
have items sent to, and either the
delivery guy will leave it there, or
depending on the sites terms that
you ordered from, you may have to
be there to sign for it when it
arrives. I won’t go much more into
detail as this guide is meant for
beginners, and if you are beginning
then just use someone else’s drop
for now, there are a few sellers
offering drops right now in the
marketplace. The key thing to
remember is to “NEVER USE YOUR
When you find a site you would like
to card, check the Terms and
Conditions and make sure that:
They will ship to an address
other than the billing
address (some sites will but
don’t say this directly).
Check if they require a
signature on pickup.
Check they payment
processors that are
Check if they do next day
Check the company they
use for shipping (UPS,
Fedex, USPS).
Check if they require
phone verification (some
sites that sell virtual items
such as Runescape Gold
require it).

All the above is for educational porpose only


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