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How to install kali linux in PC and Laptops

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Advantages of Linux:


Most Linux distros are free….. users do not need to pay for a copy, but this is only one aspect of freedom enjoyed by Linux users! In addition, Linux distros can be freely downloaded and legally installed on as many computers as you want and freely (and legally) given to other people. Because most distros are open source, you have access to the source code and can customize Linux to be whatever you want it to be; you can even create your own distro if you like!Linux is easy to install!  In many instances, it is actually easier to install Linux to your computer than Windows. Click here to learn more about how to download and install Linux to your computer [1].


Linux systems rarely crash, and when they do, the whole system normally does not go down. The “blue screen of death” familiar to Windows users is not a worry for Linux users.


Because most computer malware are designed to attack Windows (often through Active X which is not typically found in Linux) the odds are considerably less for Linux to be infected with a virus than Windows [2]. The same holds true with spyware,trojans, and worms. While Linux malware does exist, they are relatively few in number and none have become widespread so far [3]. While Linux is very secure by its nature, users should still employ good sense while surfing the Internet; click here to learn more [4]. As long as Linux users download and install only from their distro’s official software repository, then security is greatly increased. One nice security feature In Linux is that files must be made to be executable by someone with administrator privileges, which requires a password. So even if a Linux virus is loaded on a Linux computer, it will not be able to run without the user who has administrator privileges intentionally making it executable. Another important aspect of Linux security is the fact that it is open source. Because the programing code is available for anyone to view, there are many eyes constantly examining it, which makes it highly difficult for malware to be hidden within the code [5]. Also, security patches normally come much quicker to Linux than other operating systems because so many people are contributing to it. Here are some resources with more information about Linux security and why Linux computers are much less likely than Windows to ever become infected with a virus:

How to install kali linux in PC and Laptops
First u have to download kali linux for ur pc and for copy the below link in ur browser and press enter
Official Kali Linux Downloads

thats it
But i preffer u to use virtual box while using kali linux first time
To download virtual box copy the velow link in ur browser

for how to intall the kali linux in ur pc version please commant us
