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How to Make a Video Game With Cmd

Here is a free, easy, no-download way
to make a video game. You will learn a
little bit about batch programming in
the process. You'll need to supply your
own story to go with this game.
Anything in apostrophes can
be changed, it won't affect
the game - don't accidentally
type it in to the actual code.
Open Notepad or any other
coding programs-Geany,
Notepad++, etcetera. Save the
file as ‘My Game’.bat
Start the Code. Start by
@echo off
title ‘My Game’
color 0A
if "%1" neq "" ( goto %1)
Add Colours. Now save it and
run, it will come up with an
error and all the different colour
combinations. Find the one you
like and type it in after “color”,
instead of “zz”. A good
combination is color 0A, it makes
the text green and the
background black.
Create the Menu. To create
the menu get rid of pause
and type in:
echo ‘1. Start’
echo ‘2. Instructions’
echo ‘3. Exit’
set /p answer=‘Type the
number of your option and
press enter.’
if %answer%==1 goto
if %answer%==2 goto
if %answer%==3 goto ‘Exit’
Creating ‘Exit’ and
‘Instructions’. To create the
exit screen type in this:
echo Thanks for playing !
exit /b
Now for the instructions
type in:
echo ‘Instructions’
Then write:
echo ‘Your instructions
As many times as you like
then type:
goto Menu
Begin the game. Type in a
echo ‘You have run into bad
guys. Their forces are:’
echo ‘3 farmers’
echo ‘You have a high
chance of winning.’
set /p answer=‘Would you
like to fight or run?’
if %answer%==‘Fight’ goto
if %answer%==‘Run’ goto
Fighting and Running. Now
to make fighting and
echo You ran away safely !
goto ‘Start_1’
echo You have chosen to
echo The battle is waging.
set /p answer= Type
number 1 and press enter
to continue:
if %answer%==1 goto
set /a num=%random%
if %num% gtr 4 goto
if %num% lss 1 goto
if %num%==1 goto
if %num%==2 goto
if %num%==3 goto
if %num%==4 goto
echo Sorry, you lost the
battle :(
goto Menu
echo Congrats, you won the
set /p answer=‘Would you
like to save?’
if %answer%==‘Yes’ goto
if %answer%==‘No’ goto
goto ‘Start_2’
Now you can repeat the
code used in ‘Start_1’ to
create a second fight and
a third and fourth and so
Also when you type
e.g. :Fight_1 you also have
to make sure that parts
that say goto Fight_1 stay
the same as each other so
if you change one you have
to change both.
Just close the notepad, then
click yes, save the file,
change the format to all file,add
.bat after you type the name.


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